Rightio, I'm tryna stick to this, to prove Tabitha wrong. She said I would very quickly stop using this site, so I'm going to make an effort to keep it updated with all the latest shit I do. Even if it is rubbish, and even if no one uses this site to see it. I'm currently suffering a cold, whilst continuing to work on Ba Na Na. We now have a composer though. His name is Tomas Graves, and he seems like a bit of a legend. He did a metal cover of the Mr Grinch song which I find very amusing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yb1eVGqobk.
In other news I now have two banana hands, a Ba Na Na facebook page (@BaNaNaShortFilm), and have made serious progress on the Ba Na Na headpiece. I really hope it doesn't fall apart on set. To be honest, I am still incredibly overwhelmed with work for this film, causing me to feel stressed and depressed. To be honest, it did just occur to me that I forgot to take my antidepressants today, so that could have something to do with it. We (I) have now finished the shot lists, and hopefully the film will be greenlit this Thursday, or Friday. I have also been hired as the head of sound recording on another film, entitled "Host Destination" (gofund.me/1b7c1dee). I'm very excited for this film. It seems like a very unique approach to an important, complicated topic, and I am extremely excited to see how it turns out. Also I am excited to be a part of it.
I think maybe I should start including film reviews in these blogs. I recently saw "Bullet Train". I also saw it in gold class with a number of alcoholic beverages, and whilst i don't think they altered my opinions that much, you should take my thoughts with a grain of salt. All in all I thought it was a fun film. I went into it expecting it to be a bit pish, but instead, it was surprisingly witty. It was also quite nicely filmed. I'm always a fan of films with nice, pretty bright colours, and this one had a lot of them, as well as a lot of symmetry in the framing. I loved the running gag about Thomas the Tank engine, and (Without spoiling it) the way this joke was tied up with a punchline. However, I feel this would have been more satisfying if (Spoilers) he's just shot her. It would have rounded it up so nicely.
Anyway, Bullet Train was fun if not perfect, I'm still incredibly stressed, oh and also the queen died which was a bit of a surprise, and I am STILL using this website.